
Together, Let’s Find a Concrete Solution

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, a global shortage of respirators has been triggered.

Just like you, we like to be of help when the need arises. That’s why we have launched a global initiative in partnership with the Research Institute of the MUHC to find a solution.

The Code Life Ventilator Challenge is a two-week sprint to gather the best ideas from around the world to design emergency ventilators.

The proposed concepts should be a simple, low-cost, easy-to-manufacture and easy-to-maintain ventilator which could be deployed anywhere needed to save lives. The top three designs will be available for free download to anyone who needs them and the winning team will be awarded a $200,000 prize.

Just 24 hours after the launch, over 100 teams had registered for the Challenge and several experts offered to lend a hand on this highly commendable project. We invite you to share the news on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn to increase our chances of finding a solution to this imminent situation.

Many of you have also expressed your interest in supporting the Code Life Ventilator Challenge and we are pleased to say that it is possible. Your donation, whatever the amount, will help us provide concrete solutions to overcome this crisis.

Support the Code Life Ventilator Challenge

Thank you for supporting health innovations and for making life-saving care more accessible.

Sincerely yours,

Your Team at the Montreal General Hospital Foundation