Comprehensive Care to Manage a Multitude of Conditions
Healthy Living initiatives help to boost longevity, productivity and well-being for everyone in our community and well beyond our borders
Thanks to you, our dear donors, the Foundation funds several clinical programs that help patients achieve a healthier life and a better recovery. Healthy Living is possible thanks to innovative projects in gastroenterology, geriatrics, cardiology, rheumatology, mental health, and much more!
Globally, people are living longer and the over 65 age group will balloon in Quebec to over 25% by 2030, up from 20% just last year. Supporting critical research today makes healthcare solutions for tomorrow possible. Our partners’ and donors’ contributions open the doors to life-saving breakthroughs. Better care, better access and better health are the results.
Transforming Our Elders’ Story
Did you know that one in four people above 75 years of age falls every year? Pain, reduced mobility, and a fear of falling makes already vulnerable seniors more susceptible. This results in serious injuries, such as assorted fractures or head trauma in 10 percent of these falls. According to Dr. José A. Morais, Director of the Division of Geriatrics, this is a very real public health issue. In response, he and his team created SAFE, a comprehensive new exercise program for seniors.
Adapted low impact exercises can help reduce falls by about 40 percent.
The Senior Adult Fitness Exercise (SAFE) Program features a series of free physical exercise videos to improve seniors’ fitness and quality of life. Used frequently and consistently by home care workers and family caregivers, SAFE is an invitation to join together, as a community, to prevent falls among our seniors and to promote healthy aging. This initiative aims to reduce the pressure on hospital services.
Through the generosity of our community and their commitment to transformative initiatives like this one, SAFE is available to everyone. Integrating prevention into more accessible home care services ensures that our seniors are out of the hospital and as healthy as they can be!
There is still plenty to be done to support them, will you join us?

Healthy aging and the prevention of falls is a public health issue that demands immediate attention, says Dr. Morais. Exercise is one of the best and simplest ways to combat the many effects of impaired mobility as well as other senior problems such as loss of autonomy, diminished mental focus, poor sleep quality and isolation. The positive effects of physical activity for older adults are boundless.

Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease are the most common types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): a chronic condition involving inflammation of the intestine. We interview a patient, a nurse and doctor to answer your most frequent questions, including “What is IBD” and “What are the causes, the symptoms and the treatments for IBD”. Learn more …