
In 2022, let’s keep on supporting life together !

To all our supporters,

Despite the challenging times (or perhaps precisely because they are challenging), I want to take the time to wish you all the best for the new year. May 2022 bring you and your loved ones happiness, and above all, health!

I also thank you for demonstrating such kindness and generosity in 2021. Your solidarity with the medical teams and patients is a wonderful sign of hope. Together, we will get through this crisis. Together, we will advance medicine. Together, we will provide vital support for vital care.

A new year of challenges lies ahead of us. But I am convinced that with you by their sides, the medical teams will be stronger and the patients even better supported than before.

2022 will also be an important year for the Montreal General Hospital Foundation. In a few weeks, we will share some exciting announcements !

To all of you, we wish you a wonderful 2022 !




Jean-Guy Gourdeau
President and CEO

Annual Report


The 45th Annual Golf Classic
Wednesday 19 June 2024
A Generous Donation from BMO to Advance Research in Mental Health, Trauma Care, and Thoracic Surgery
Wednesday 12 June 2024
Together, We Raised Over $180,000 for Mental Health at the Pharmaprix Run for Women!
Monday 10 June 2024