
Let’s Talk About Traumatic Brain Injuries

You probably know someone who has suffered a concussion or a more severe form of traumatic brain injury (TBI).

John Feifer is one of those people. He suffered multiple TBIs in his youth while practicing the sports that he loved. Fortunately, after a 14-hour brain surgery and months of rehabilitation, he was able to return to a normal life, but not everyone has the same luck.

“In my first physical therapy session, there was a boy my age next to me who had a similar surgery. After a few grueling months of rehabilitation, I was able to start skating again, but the other boy was not as fortunate. He could not even stand without assistance. Witnessing that shook me to my core. I promised myself that I would never forget him and that I would use this awareness to help others in a similar situation.”

As part of Brain Injury Awareness Month, John wants to share his story and raise money to support research and care for people with brain injuries. That’s why he launched his own fundraiser through our platform action.codevie.ca.

What are TBIs and how can they be prevented?

These are two excellent questions answered by Dr. Judith Marcoux, neurosurgeon at the Montreal General Hospital.

Most of these head injuries are preventable. Remember to wear a helmet when practicing sports such as skiing, biking or skating. Avoid driving if you’ve had something to drink or if you are under the influence of other substances that can impair your reflexes or judgment, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when doing chores that require going up a ladder, such as removing snow from a roof or cleaning gutters.

Stay safe!

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Annual Report


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